The space sector is a universe of possibilities, and it includes many opportunities for persons with disabilities to be meaningfully engaged.
They are astronomers, professors, educators, artists, science communicators and more.
They are resilient, talented and diverse.
They are part of the space community.


"Space+: Pathways for all abilities" is an interview series showcasing persons with diverse abilities navigating the world of space education and employment, as well as disability advocates shifting paradigms and mindsets to promote disability inclusion in the space sector.

As part of UNOOSA's efforts to advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities and to raise awareness of the importance of disability inclusion in the space sector, this story bank covers two broad groups of persons:

  1. Persons with disabilities working in space and associated fields, and
  2. Disability advocates and allies who may or may not be disabled.

The personal stories and experiences are presented from two broad angles:

  1. The challenges, solutions and suggestions from the perspectives and lived experiences of persons with disabilities, and
  2. The mindset shift and efforts by allies to create an inclusive environment.


We have made it our mission to put persons with disabilities first, to learn directly from them about what they have experienced and what they need to thrive, as we believe that this understanding is key to identifying and removing barriers to inclusion.

By reflecting a wide diversity of voices from all regions of the world, and an inclusive range of life experiences, perspectives, and areas of expertise, we hope the interviews will encourage and empower more persons with disabilities to enter and participate in the space sector, knowing that others with similar backgrounds have managed to navigate the field and that they will be accepted and welcomed just as they are.

In addition, we hope the stories will deepen our understanding of diversity and inclusion, challenge societal biases, raise awareness of areas of inadequate support in system and encourage organizations to adopt practices that foster an inclusive environment.

This project contributes to the implementation of SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities.

Read their stories



Share your story

If you would like to share your story or nominate someone, please contact us Our team will contact you as soon as possible.

Next steps

As the number of stories increase and develop into a story bank, we hope to adopt a data-driven approach to identify underlying themes and common indicators to produce a detailed analysis of the factors that contribute to successful inclusion of persons with disabilities in the space sector, highlights the way organizations can make fundamental shifts to their systems, and help us focus on how we can have the greatest impact. Our approach recognizes the complexities of this issue and the need for a multi-pronged strategy involving a multitude of stakeholders to effect change at various levels.

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